Thursday, July 3, 2008

Alone, My Child. Alone

Credit: Bobby Versace Photography

You see, things aren't always as they seem. He's been through hell for the past 6 months and 24 days. Ever since she left, he's been in the same zombie-like state. Hollow eyes that leave not a single strand of emotion pierce through everyone as he met their looks of curiosity, but no one ever bothered to ask.

No one knew his past, and no one knew his present.

No one other than her.

But as the days went on, his thoughts began to change. They weren't just thoughts of her anymore. They were thoughts of death. Slow death.

His preferred choice was the tiny bottle of prescription Xantex, but he couldn't ever do that. Not to his over-achieving mother and his lawyer father. They didn't ever have time for him. And they knew what event took place 6 months and 24 days ago. They didn't give a damn. They just didn't want their pathetic son to embarrass them.

Can't spoil the reputation now, can we?

Now, you may ask, "What happened to the girl?"

I am here to tell you.

As she was driving to school one December day, her car stalled in the middle of an extremely busy and very icy intersection. Seconds after it stalled, an 18 wheeler hit her on the passenger side, and that sent her flying into a telephone pole on the drivers side. The 18 wheeler had tried to stop, but it slid down the incredibly icy road.

She was pronounced dead on the scene when the paramedics finally arrived.

She was his best friend, even though she lived an hour away. They had talked endless hours on the phone every night and visited every two weeks. He was in love with her, and had planned on telling her that day when he surprised her with an unexpected visit.

He was devastated when her parents came to the door crying, and told him the news. At first, he didn't believe them, but deep in his heart he knew they were telling him the truth.

She had left him completely and utterly alone.

But he was about to join her, and there wasn't a damn thing they could do about it.

So here is the setting, a room with gray walls and a bed centered between all four. A letter in one hand and a bottle in the other. Pictures were scattered about that full of memories of her. His facial expression was still that of blank. Tears slowly fell down his pale face and whispered three words that were meant for her, and his hollow eyes shown with complete honesty and desperation.

I love you.


Charnita said...

Yes, you do get that from his sad eyes.
Totally alone.
But I do like happy endings.....

Charnita said...

I love you. That was the last thing he remembered thinking. Then no thoughts at all.
Slowly slipping into a place of no pain, no hurting.
Suddenly and slowly, something begins to nudge him. Images of his mother, his grandmother, his little sister. Slideshows of himself as a carefree child playing with Bandit, his favorite dog. Beach vacations before his parents became too busy for him.
What changed? What went wrong in his life?
From a cloudy, dimly lit, hopeful past to the cloudy, hopeless future- something in him sparked.
Was it hope?

Hulk Villa said...

I just cried for the first time in years. You helped me remember that I do have a heart and I can show emotion. Thank you forever times infinity.

Anonymous said...

One of your best stories ever. :]]]